WMIC,英文全稱Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line,即Windows管理規範指令行。並聲稱使用WMIC,再配合其他現存的指令行工具,管理員幾乎可以完成所有的管理工作,而不必再過多地依賴那些圖形界面。最重要的是wmic可以支援格式化輸出。
/* 裝載監控的信息Bean */ package cpu_use; /** * * @author bert */ public class MonitorInfoBean { /** 可使用內存. */ private long totalMemory; /** */ /** 剩餘內存. */ private long freeMemory; /** */ /** 最大可使用內存. */ private long maxMemory; /** */ /** 操作系統. */ private String osName; /** */ /** 總物理內存. */ private long totalMemorySize; /** */ /** 剩餘的物理內存. */ private long freePhysicalMemorySize; /** */ /** 已使用的物理內存. */ private long usedMemory; /** */ /** 線程總數. */ private int totalThread; /** */ /** cpu使用率. */ private double cpuRatio; public long getFreeMemory() { return freeMemory; } public void setFreeMemory(long freeMemory) { this.freeMemory = freeMemory; } public long getFreePhysicalMemorySize() { return freePhysicalMemorySize; } public void setFreePhysicalMemorySize(long freePhysicalMemorySize) { this.freePhysicalMemorySize = freePhysicalMemorySize; } public long getMaxMemory() { return maxMemory; } public void setMaxMemory(long maxMemory) { this.maxMemory = maxMemory; } public String getOsName() { return osName; } public void setOsName(String osName) { this.osName = osName; } public long getTotalMemory() { return totalMemory; } public void setTotalMemory(long totalMemory) { this.totalMemory = totalMemory; } public long getTotalMemorySize() { return totalMemorySize; } public void setTotalMemorySize(long totalMemorySize) { this.totalMemorySize = totalMemorySize; } public int getTotalThread() { return totalThread; } public void setTotalThread(int totalThread) { this.totalThread = totalThread; } public long getUsedMemory() { return usedMemory; } public void setUsedMemory(long usedMemory) { this.usedMemory = usedMemory; } public double getCpuRatio() { return cpuRatio; } public void setCpuRatio(double cpuRatio) { this.cpuRatio = cpuRatio; } }
/* 提供解耦合的介面 */ package cpu_use; /** * * @author bert */ public interface IMonitorService { /** *//** * 獲得當前監控對像. * @return 返回監測對象 * @throws Exception */ public MonitorInfoBean getMonitorInfoBean() throws Exception; }
/* 獲取系統訊息的實作類別 */ package cpu_use; import; import; //import; import; import; public class MonitorServiceImpl implements IMonitorService { public static final int CPUTIME = 5000; private static final int PERCENT = 100; private static final int FAULTLENGTH = 10; private static String PROC_CMD = System.getenv("windir") + "\\system32\\wbem\\wmic.exe process get Caption,CommandLine," + "KernelModeTime,ReadOperationCount,ThreadCount,UserModeTime,WriteOperationCount"; private long[] initCpuInfo = null; public MonitorServiceImpl(){ try{ initCpuInfo = readCpu(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(PROC_CMD)); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); initCpuInfo = null; } } @Override public MonitorInfoBean getMonitorInfoBean() throws Exception { int kb = 1024; // 可使用內存 long totalMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / kb; // 剩餘內存 long freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / kb; // 最大可使用內存 long maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / kb; OperatingSystemMXBean osmxb = (OperatingSystemMXBean) ManagementFactory .getOperatingSystemMXBean(); // 操作系統 String osName = System.getProperty(""); // 總物理內存 long totalMemorySize = osmxb.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize() / kb; // 剩餘的物理內存 long freePhysicalMemorySize = osmxb.getFreePhysicalMemorySize() / kb; // 已使用的物理內存 long usedMemory = (osmxb.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize() - osmxb .getFreePhysicalMemorySize()) / kb; // 獲得線程總數 ThreadGroup parentThread; for (parentThread = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); parentThread .getParent() != null; parentThread = parentThread.getParent()) ; int totalThread = parentThread.activeCount(); double cpuRatio = 0; if (osName.toLowerCase().startsWith("windows")) { cpuRatio = this.getCpuRatioForWindows(); } // 返回對象 MonitorInfoBean infoBean = new MonitorInfoBean(); infoBean.setFreeMemory(freeMemory); infoBean.setFreePhysicalMemorySize(freePhysicalMemorySize); infoBean.setMaxMemory(maxMemory); infoBean.setOsName(osName); infoBean.setTotalMemory(totalMemory); infoBean.setTotalMemorySize(totalMemorySize); infoBean.setTotalThread(totalThread); infoBean.setUsedMemory(usedMemory); infoBean.setCpuRatio(cpuRatio); return infoBean; } private double getCpuRatioForWindows() { try { if(initCpuInfo==null) return 0.0; // 取得進程信息 //long[] c0 = readCpu(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(PROC_CMD)); //Thread.sleep(CPUTIME); long[] c1 = readCpu(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(PROC_CMD)); if (c1 != null) { long idletime = c1[0] - initCpuInfo[0]; long busytime = c1[1] - initCpuInfo[1]; return Double.valueOf( PERCENT * (busytime) / (busytime + idletime)) .doubleValue(); } else { return 0.0; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 0.0; } } private long[] readCpu(final Process proc) { long[] retn = new long[2]; try { proc.getOutputStream().close(); InputStreamReader ir = new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()); LineNumberReader input = new LineNumberReader(ir); String line = input.readLine(); if (line == null || line.length() < FAULTLENGTH) { return null; } int capidx = line.indexOf("Caption"); int cmdidx = line.indexOf("CommandLine"); int rocidx = line.indexOf("ReadOperationCount"); int umtidx = line.indexOf("UserModeTime"); int kmtidx = line.indexOf("KernelModeTime"); int wocidx = line.indexOf("WriteOperationCount"); long idletime = 0; long kneltime = 0; long usertime = 0; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length() < wocidx) { continue; } // 字段出現順序:Caption,CommandLine,KernelModeTime,ReadOperationCount, // ThreadCount,UserModeTime,WriteOperation String caption = Bytes.substring(line, capidx, cmdidx - 1).trim(); String cmd = Bytes.substring(line, cmdidx, kmtidx - 1).trim(); if (cmd.indexOf("wmic.exe") >= 0) { continue; } //"line="+line); if (caption.equals("System Idle Process") || caption.equals("System")) { idletime += Long.valueOf( Bytes.substring(line, kmtidx, rocidx - 1).trim()) .longValue(); idletime += Long.valueOf( Bytes.substring(line, umtidx, wocidx - 1).trim()) .longValue(); continue; } kneltime += Long.valueOf( Bytes.substring(line, kmtidx, rocidx - 1).trim()) .longValue(); usertime += Long.valueOf( Bytes.substring(line, umtidx, wocidx - 1).trim()) .longValue(); } retn[0] = idletime; retn[1] = kneltime + usertime; return retn; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { proc.getInputStream().close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } }
/* 解決 String.subString() 處理中文的問題 (將中文試為一個byte) */ package cpu_use; /** * * @author bert */ public class Bytes { public static String substring(String src, int start_idx, int end_idx){ byte[] b = src.getBytes(); String tgt = ""; for(int i=start_idx; i<=end_idx; i++){ tgt +=(char)b[i]; } return tgt; } }
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package cpu_use; /** * * @author bert */ public class CPU_Useage { public static void main(String args[]) { MonitorServiceImpl MSImpl = new MonitorServiceImpl(); try { Thread.sleep(MonitorServiceImpl.CPUTIME); MonitorInfoBean bean = MSImpl.getMonitorInfoBean(); System.out.println("系統: "+bean.getOsName()); System.out.println("CPU使用率: "+bean.getCpuRatio()+"%"); System.out.println("JVM可使用記憶體: "+String.valueOf(bean.getTotalMemory()/1000.0)+" MB"); System.out.println("JVM尚餘記憶體: "+bean.getFreeMemory()/1000.0+" MB"); System.out.println("JVM最大可配置記憶體: "+bean.getMaxMemory()/1000.0+" MB"); System.out.println("============================"); System.out.println("實體記憶體: "+bean.getTotalMemorySize()/1000.0+" MB"); System.out.println("實體記憶體可用: "+bean.getFreePhysicalMemorySize()/1000.0+" MB"); System.out.println("已使用實體記憶體: "+bean.getUsedMemory()/1000.0+" MB"); System.out.println("============================"); System.out.println("Total Thread in Java: "+bean.getTotalThread()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }